Tuesday, August 2, 2011

When a Cut is Not a Cut | The Moral Liberal

When a Cut is Not a Cut | The Moral Liberal


  1. MAGICIANS IN ACTION ; ....what is far from the truth. In spite of the rhetoric being thrown around, the real debate is over how much government spending will increase.

  2. In reality, bringing our fiscal house into order is not that complicated or excruciatingly painful at all. If we simply kept spending at current levels, by their definition of “cuts” that would save nearly $400 billion in the next few years, versus the $25 billion the Budget Control Act claims to “cut”. It would only take us 5 years to “cut” $1 trillion, in Washington math, just by holding the line on spending. That is hardly austere or catastrophic.

    A balanced budget is similarly simple and within reach if Washington had just a tiny amount of fiscal common sense.
